
Sunday, August 2, 2020

Enter, Rheumatoid Arthritis...

I had a reader message me lately asking when I would have more books out, and it made me realize how quiet I’ve been about WHY over here on my author page. So I’m going to post here what I posted to her as my reply... because I do feel bad often about how disengaged I’ve become about my books and author life. It’s just become so complicated.

So... this is where I’m at:
I cannot wait for the day I will be writing again! But I do have my hands full—not only with the little ones, but I’ve also felt pretty lousy for the last few years and just found out it’s because I have an autoimmune disease. So now I’m also trying to manage that, and I spend many of my extra hours now cooking and baking from scratch because that’s all I can eat without getting a debilitating fever and just plain feeling pretty lousy. I also have ADD which I didn’t take medication for while writing my five books. My creativity just FLOWS without it! But I take it now because parenting little ones without it is a mess and a half. So really I’m in the middle of a perfect storm, and I’ve had to give my writing to God for the time being, in hope that I will someday have it given back to me.